GEM Engserv Pvt. Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization, certified by TUV India in accreditation with National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB).

Archive: GEM Articles

Can the construction industry emulate manufacturing sector to improve product and process quality?

Some of the most commonly observed safety issues are also the easiest to fix.

Discover the various ways in which Quality and Safety are fundamentally interlinked.

Is a defect in the final product always a result of poor workmanship? Or could there exist other systemic issues eventually revealing themselves as defects? Here are a few thoughts and cases that you might be familiar with.

Unfortunately, construction industry is the major contributer to environmental damage and needs to be course corrected. Measure impact on the environment using the carbon footprint and take actions to minimize it.

Is deriving numerical score in carrying Quality Audit a feasible approach? Quality Audits with properly framed NCRs are more effective in identifying areas of improvement.

Evaluate Cost of Quality for your project using Prevention, Assessment and Failure (P-A-F) Cost Model. Majorly, the cost of repairs accounts for 10-15% of the project cost.

"Do I really need Quality Audits?", asked our clients' Project Manager. Here's an interesting conversation that reveals misconceptions about Quality Audits.

Cost Planning is about estimating cost at various stages of project implementation,Essential aspect of Value Engineering is to not result in value reduction

A case study on Quality Management System used in construction industry mentioning how inefficiencies can cause potential cost for the project and rework