GEM Engserv Pvt. Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization, certified by TUV India in accreditation with National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB).

Archive: GEM Articles

Project Management adopts different business models. Depending on In-House Vs Outsourced functions, Wide spectrum of PMC services exists.

Understand the Force Majeure situation and the sudden importance of the Force Majeure clause in Construction projects and Contracts in the COVID-19 scenario.

Understand how an ISO 9001 certification can transform your business by simplifying the processes and plan for deeper corrective actions.

"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." said Deming, condensing Quality Management System into a single line.

Can the construction industry emulate manufacturing sector to improve product and process quality?

Moving to a digital platform can be tricky. Should you adopt a standard product or build a customized application? Here’s some points to consider.

Some of the most commonly observed safety issues are also the easiest to fix.

Is automation set to replace traditional headhunting as the standard process for recruitment?

"Can India thrive, now that it has survived?" Our guest contributer for this month Mr. Subhash Patankar shares his views on the huge post pandemic opportunities.